Letting Go with Guy Finley

Question: My main goal in life is to be as happy as possible. What would be the one thing I could do over and over again everyday to achieve this goal? Answer: Start every morning being as quiet as you can while being as awake as possible to yourself as you are and to that…

Our every action is a prayer, for our deeds are seeds and by them we plant the world we will walk through tomorrow.

Guy Finley explains that everything you need to succeed and to change the kind of human being you are is already provided for you.

Achievements in and of themselves change little in us…they amount to little more than a merit badge that tarnishes in time; rather it is the suffering we consciously endure in the name of love that helps to perfect and transform our nature into something newer and truer; it is not what we acquire, but what…

Any achievement that doesn’t serve to liberate us from the level of self that measures itself by its successes is only a part of a prison yet to be realized.

Wise persistence always pays the one who serves it at least once, but usually twice. The first payoff — and the most valuable — is the realization that “walls” are immaterial apart from the resistance that lends them their temporary substance. The second payment comes on the other side of the “wall”… where achievement proves…

In this short talk, Guy Finley explains how most of the unnecessary struggle and conflict that we experience in this life is due to our habitual, unconscious fixation on recurring thoughts and feelings. Click here to listen to “End the Game of Pain Pong”

Our experience of life is somewhat like a game of ping pong. Someone says something to us that we perceive as negative, and a certain “I” pops up that we identify with. The content of that “I” then directs our thoughts and actions. The other person probably doesn’t even have a clue that they said…

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