Letting Go with Guy Finley

I am going to try to tell you something that if you are at all serious about being reborn, you will have to understand . . . First, there really exists such a thing as being reborn, but rebirth is a rare thing. It isn’t rare because of its difficulty. It’s rare because human beings…

An awakened person is not reborn any more than an acorn awakened from its slumber by the touch of sunlight is the form it may yet become.  The one who is reborn, who is resurrected, as much resembles his or her former nature as does the great oak resemble the acorn that died to give…

It simply cannot be stated enough: you have every reason to be encouraged about life. Just look around you. God shows himself everywhere; and in all things, he shows there is no death. Where do you see the end of anything beyond the mere passing of some individual form? The seemingly lifeless branch, barren in…

Spiritually speaking, all relationships serve one purpose: self-knowledge. Self-knowledge serves one purpose: awakening to the truth of oneself. Awakening to the truth of oneself serves one purpose: dying to oneself. Dying to oneself serves one purpose: rebirth. And rebirth is the purpose and fulfillment of all relationships.

Why does jealousy rise again? Why does wishing that this wasn’t this way and they weren’t that way have to be like that? How many times does that rise again? We know that resistance somehow is always rising. It is a kind of constant companion to one’s life, this resistance that just says, “no, no,…

Do you get angry almost every day? Feel bitterness or jealousy? Tear into yourself? Do things that you know are destructive to yourself, that hurt other human beings? We rise again every day. Something in us is resurrected moment to moment, and what’s resurrected is something we don’t want to rise again: greed, coveting —…

There is a ceaseless call in us, between the seed of this individual that we presently are and the tree of life, the Christ within that we are intended to become. What do you think it is inside of you that wants to be a good person? To help somebody when they need help and…

In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how something is always growing within us, but just like any garden that produces real physical food, what grows in our interior life all depends upon what we give our attention to in the moment. Click here to listen to “Working in the Garden of the Soul”

Question: Where do you get your energy to stay on the path seemingly every second? Answer: Each of us has in us a certain undiscovered well of vital and ever-new energy. This wellspring of energy is the foundation of the present moment, and our relationship to it all depends upon the degree to which we…

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