Letting Go with Guy Finley

How many of us spend our precious time and energy fuming over what others may have done to us? Unseen in the steam of our heated emotions and churning thoughts is the one inescapable fact that we are the secret prisoner of anyone we wish to punish. And the more we would punish this person,…

In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about the importance of being present to what each moment reveals to us about ourselves. Click here to listen to “Sit Down to the Banquet of Truth”

If we work each moment to practice kindness, patience, and persistence — doing so in grateful remembrance that each breath we take is a gift — here’s what we’ll find: the power of being present in this way ensures that each of our “tomorrows” dawns with more Light than was seen this day.

There is only one reason why any of us ever do wrong to another, blame someone else for our sorrow, forget to be thankful for what we have, or go through our entire day without remembering our God… and that’s because we have forgotten – once again — our own interior wretchedness.

Every relationship that we have in our life — our contact with each person, place, and event — serves a very special, if yet to be realized purpose: they are a mirror that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other way. I think this is one of…

We will never again hope, in vain, for a “better time to come” once we realize this spiritual truth: the character and quality of all our moments ahead are determined by what we give ourselves to in the now.

We as human beings have settled for far too little. The fact is that we do not know the unrealized potential that exists within each and every one of us. In this short talk, Guy Finley gives us a hint of what is possible. Click here to listen to “The Real Secret is: Seeing is…

If you ever really want to know why there’s a fairly consistent amount of stress (in you) in the midst of your conversation with others, just work during the time in question to be more interested in discovering the truth of yourself (quietly watching yourself) than you are in trying to prove yourself as being…

Question: It seems that nothing in my life has turned out the way I have prayed that it would. The sadness over my situation is overwhelming, even though I have tried my best to give all my failures over to God. Where do I go from here? Answer: Can you think of any example from…

Though we are created to be the embodiment of Freedom itself, still – – to be free — we must choose that Life before all else.

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