Letting Go with Guy Finley

It is the source to which we turn, and from which we derive our strength that is the real test of our character; for in any moment of trial no one can be any stronger — better or brighter, than what he loves.

Guy Finley explains how to be elevated to a Higher life starting right now. Discover the extraordinary power hidden in our awareness and how it literally can transform our life. Click here to listen to “Awaken the Power of Your Supernatural Self”

Regardless of how one may feel in any given moment, real life can present no task before us for which we are “inadequate.” Yes, we may be unprepared at its outset… just as each year a bare tree can’t know, in advance, the weight of a heavy winter snowfall until its branches bend and maybe…

Any friendship based on a relationship that is “already understood” is less a friendship than it is an unstated agreement that things should change between those involved only when and if mutually agreed upon. But real friendship is no such contract; it’s a mutual consent between the parties involved to share in love’s never ending…

Question: I had a friend for 5 years, and out of the blue I made a simple remark…and now she is not my friend anymore! I apologized, and she said she forgives me, but it’s obvious she holds a grudge. Now our friendship is over… for good. It’s breaking my heart. What can I do…

Whether it’s issues concerning health, relationships, or some other heartache…  letting go is the central theme of this life; we can either agree with its great lesson and learn to release our resistance to unwanted moments… or cling and cry, and continue serving a suffering that changes nothing.

In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we are introduced to our own higher possibilities whenever we are willing to be awake to what the present moment wants to reveal to us about ourselves. Click here to listen to “What to Do When Life is Picking on You”

Question: When I find myself feeling depressed — in the dumps so to speak — I tend to see myself as the victim of whatever situation is at hand. Then the more I find reasons to justify being the victim, the longer I tend to stay at my personal pity party. What would it take…

Not only is resistance an unseen form of attachment, but it’s also a form of attention…and attention “animates” whatever it touches, because attention is relationship. If one will take the time to see the truth of these thoughts, this means that no feeling can pass that you wish would go away, because resistance to its…

Blessed are those whose hearts — though fully darkened with discouragement — never lose their hope in God; for this hope is God’s hope in them, and in this still small light is their hope fulfilled.

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