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Letting Go with Guy Finley
Letting Go with Guy Finley
The True Friend is Within
Guy Finley
We have no greater friend in life than that small part of us that loves what is true. The more we are able to recognize and honor the fact of this matter, the more powerfully this interior friend steps forward and proves to us the value of our love for it.
The Secret of Being at Peace with Yourself
Guy Finley
A sports reporter for a large newspaper was assigned to cover an international marathon hosted each year by his city. From past experience, he knew that thousands of people would turn out to test themselves over the grueling twenty-six-mile course; he had also seen ten times that number of people line the streets to cheer…
(Video) Real Hope is Not an Escape
Guy Finley
There is a natural hope in aspirations, but when that hope formulates an identity it sows the seeds of conflict…
New and True Benefits that Self-Study Brings
Guy Finley
Often, when we first set out on the path of self-study, we begin with unrealistic or just plain mistaken expectations about what it will do for us. The unconscious wish that fuels this early stage of self-study is simply to become a better “old” person, rather than to become a completely new person. Perhaps we…
There is No Substitute for Self-Study
Guy Finley
“Know thyself” is perhaps the oldest, wisest, deepest, and most succinct spiritual instruction ever given. In fact, it is our nature to know ourselves. To one degree or another, each of us is born with the inner longing to seek out and to discover our true essence. However, almost from the very beginning of our…
Stop Attracting the Life You Don’t Want!
Guy Finley
The real reason people remain captives of unwanted circumstances in their lives is because they’ve yet to realize this great spiritual secret: Resistance is negative attraction. In other words: the longer we dwell on what we don’t want in life, the larger grows that dark dwelling place in which we find ourselves living.
Practice the Unstoppable Power of Saying “Yes” to Life
Guy Finley
Once you learn what it means to actually, factually accept the “moment of yourself” – as you are – then you will not only understand what it means to accept all “others” – as they are – but you will also learn to be grateful for their presence, and what they have come to teach…
Rise Above Your Reactions to Unwanted Experiences
Guy Finley
Unfortunately, most of us automatically resist the unknown. Whenever we can’t understand the nature of some unwanted situation we fall, by default, into the hands of a nature whose answer to this ache is always the same: get negative and then try to protect ourselves from anything that can’t be otherwise controlled. The rest takes…
Self-Healing Begins With Self-Honesty
Guy Finley
Here is why honest self-examination is always the best prescription for whatever troubles the heart: the light of higher self-knowledge not only reveals those secret places within us where hides our pain but, for its enlightening action upon those still darkened places, begins their healing transformation as well.
Be Willing to Watch Yourself
Guy Finley
Question: I have been struggling for years with the fact that I often desperately want people to like me. It is clear that my needy self causes the opposite effect by making me nervous, tense, and artificial. It seems obvious that I need to stop wanting people and be myself, but I cannot think my…
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