Letting Go with Guy Finley

In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we can stop being fooled into involving ourselves with fear, worry and anxiety by remembering that there are parts of us that “love” falling into those negative states. Click here to listen to “Choose the Path of Freedom”

Question: Most of the popular spiritual “New Age” people giving advice on how to manifest the life of your dreams, etc., are telling us that we need to imagine and dream and “think positive thoughts” to be able to manifest the life we deserve. We are told to construct “dream boards” and to feel the…

Question: I am overwhelmed by thinking about what I “should” be doing in my life, yet all success training mentions the importance of goal setting. Is there a correct approach to getting the “impossible” done? Answer: The next time you hear this inner voice of imminent doom, listen instead to this higher instruction: Never again…

It isn’t our “plans” to improve ourselves that empower the changes we know are needed in our lives; it is our willingness to suffer what we must that makes good our wish, that delivers us to our intended goal. *** When it comes to true success in this life — regardless of whatever world it…

That there are always new life-lessons to be learned, and that they are often at the expense of some self-certainty formerly thought to be crucial to our contentment, proves that this life is, in reality, a secret school with it’s own celestial curriculum.

Think how nice it would be to spend your day going from one new understanding to the next. That’s the beauty of your spiritual work — to begin to establish relationship with a force that is ever-renewing. Here’s an exercise connected with all we have been learning. Each day, just watch, as best you can,…

What are you here in this world for if it isn’t to gain things? Do you know what this life is for? It’s to grow. It’s to learn about who and what we really are; nothing more, nothing less. But no one has taught you how to grow. You might think you know what it…

The real force that drives most people in life is the idea of gaining things, of “becoming someone.” Our minds and hearts are dominated by the notion that there is something for us to gain or achieve. We go to school and the entire educational system is based on obtaining certain knowledge, position, and credential…

In the end, the kindest thing we can do for others is to always remember – as best we can – that within each of us lives the one true source of understanding, of compassion and love, and then strive to be that (spirit) for one and all.

In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about the true reward that comes with being willing to stand within what the light of awareness wants to reveal to us about ourselves. Click here to listen to “Come Out of the World and Into Your Own”

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