Letting Go with Guy Finley

What we call the present moment, including all that appears within it, is actually a timeless Presence; it is not the outcome of the past or a door to some imagined future. Passing time is just one of the ways in which what is always present appears, but this movement of time no more defines…

The fear we feel that we can’t succeed with starting life all over again is because our old nature wants us to believe that the path to a new self requires we retrace our steps and fight our way back to an unsoiled starting place in life. But here’s the truth: There is no pathway,…

The more clearly you see the need to anchor yourself in the presence of what is timeless and true — and then set your course for the quiet waters of its sheltering harbor — the less fearful you are of any storm or contrarian tide whipped into motion by that lower level of mind inevitably…

Occasionally, for all of us, we accidentally enter into the Now. We could be skiing, skating, doing yoga, playing golf, and suddenly we are in something that our activity aligns us with… we are in the flow of that moment. We can even be in the flow of a conversation, and in that moment we…

It is in our wanting “more” than the moment gives us to be that we not only sow the seeds of our own discontent but, for this same self-inflicted darkness, find ourselves blinded to a great truth that can help set us free: everything we need to succeed at being all that the Divine would…

Welcoming the light of truth into our lives is the same as losing all that limits us.

Whoever we are, regardless of our respective circumstances, the Best in us is our individual capacity to outgrow not just the limiting aspects of our own character, but to grow beyond even the best parts of ourselves already once transformed. In other words, the Best in us is a secret part of us with an…

If, as human beings, we are to answer the call within us to perfect ourselves and the world around us — if we are ever to realize a direct and personal relationship with success itself -— then we must all take a mandatory step in our own inner-evolution: we must learn to live in (and…

The simple reason why we are always the last one to see the truth about ourselves is because we are always the first one to look away.

1. I believe the more I comfort and fill myself with thoughts of a “brighter tomorrow,” the better off I am, but I can see… all discontentment belongs to an inconsolable level of self that doesn’t exist without seeking something to complete itself. So I will no longer identify with its sense of emptiness. 2.…

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