Letting Go with Guy Finley

Question: When we have a negative experience and we want to let it go, why is it so difficult to just drop it? We wouldn’t hold on to a hot iron if we grabbed it! Answer: Because the pain, the problem, isn’t the event itself. If there was a you involved in the moment of…

Anger or resentment toward someone who has left us does not prove we love and they don’t. It proves we don’t understand the true nature of love, or we wouldn’t be ripping ourselves apart because someone tore from us something to which we had become attached. This momentary hole in our soul—created by such losses—must…

We have all been hurt, left with a heart wounded by others who seem to go on just fine without us. In moments of such loss, our emptiness doesn’t stay empty for long; we are soon filled with anger, guilt, regret, or grief. These dark thoughts and feelings usually accomplish two things at once. At…

Question: I am struggling to get over a relationship that just felt so good in so many ways. She left me because she had a feeling in her gut that it was not right. I find myself constantly thinking about her and hoping that she will come back to me. Images I see remind me of her and…

Part I: We cannot control the way the world turns. We cannot change day into night. We cannot keep what is not ours, and we cannot hide these facts from ourselves no matter how hard we try. But what we are given to do, and that turns out to be the one power of ours…

Whenever we hate or resent someone it is we who become hateful or full of resentment, which proves that we cannot give our lives over to any spirit of darkness without that same sick spirit transforming our lives into its very own. Therefore, remember this cardinal principle of consciousness: Attentiveness is “preventive-ness.” Choose well your…

Those with whom we assemble, we soon resemble! This simple old saying hides a deep Truth that can enlighten and empower every aspect of our lives: Who we are — our very essence — is continually being transformed by the company we keep. Stated differently, when we keep the company of what is light and…

The strength of your negative reaction over what someone else may have done to hurt you does not prove his wrongness, but speaks only to your weakness for allowing yourself to be carried off by self-destructive thoughts and feelings.

How many men or women do you know that when a fight has begun – or even in the middle of one – they suddenly see and agree that to blame the other person for the state that they are in is a lie? How long would a fight go on between any two human…

Our resistance to any evil or otherwise corrupt character — regardless of circumstance — proves the presence of an unseen similarity; there can be no recognition of any exterior degraded nature that isn’t born of our interior resonation with it. Which means…any sustained negative reaction is actually the unconscious action of that dark nature attempting to hide…

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