Letting Go with Guy Finley

When you start to feel the weight of thoughts and feelings pulling on you, you must work to come awake to their presence so that you aren’t drawn down into their world.

Starting life over begins with bringing a conscious end to all lingering relationships you may have with old thoughts and feelings that want you to keep seeing your life through their eyes.

Human beings are a unique creation in the cosmic scheme of things. Unlike the untold billions of other life forms teaming on the Earth — whose nature is an open and shut case — human nature is not fixed. What does this mean to you? Only everything! The tiger, the horse, and the bird must…

Our lives are the experience (or the reflection) of whatever presence we may share… and this holds true for all of our moments. We are primarily, first and foremost, creatures of consciousness. What does this mean? Our real — but still hidden — life is an expression and extension of eternal forces, even though we…

The true depth and breadth of the heart is measured not only by what it can hold, but also by how willing it is to let go.

When lessons in our life come along, the reason they do is because the need to grow – to outgrow ourselves, to perfect ourselves – actually creates the conditions we need for those lessons.

Life will fill whatever you empty—and whatever you fill, life will empty. That’s the code—the higher understanding required for spiritual contentment all wrapped in mystery and filled with bittersweet contradiction. It’s all been spelled out once you learn to see. There’s no sense in trying to save yourself by holding out. Besides, nothing you’ve managed…

Why do we accept so much unhappiness in our lives today? If you think this supposition is untrue, ask yourself why people spend so much time seeking ways to distract themselves with empty pleasures? Or why so many people push themselves along one spiritual path after another, blindly hoping that something will happen to mitigate…

To be angry and hateful is to suffer. It doesn’t help anyone to get angry. Anger hurts whoever is angry. It burns. Anger ruins relationships, causes heartache and regret, and devastates health. And yet, in spite of all of these facts, when we are angry it feels right. Somehow, in some unseen way, anger proves…

The missing spiritual key — needed to forgive those who have hurt us — is found in our own awakening wish to be forgiven for having been deceived, and then seduced into believing there could ever be a valid reason for hating anyone.

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