Letting Go with Guy Finley

Do you ever feel that you don’t have the spiritual strength to face the difficulties in your path through life? Here’s a small story meant to act as a reminder and an encouragement along the way: Rebecca had decided that her best chance of getting hired by a company doing geological survey work in the…

Our circumstances in life — whatever their nature — can only change as does the level of our consciousness that helped to create them in the first place.

In our inner work to awaken and realize ourselves, we must begin where we begin, and put away any other concerns about where that beginning is. It’s enough just to make a start, wherever that may be. What difference does it make at what point you enter into a great river? Sooner or later, all…

Let’s be honest about what is possible and what is not: Change does not take place tomorrow. Either we change ourselves in the moment, or not at all. We do not lose weight, develop our art, or mysteriously become more kind or conscientious an hour from now. It is learning to be in conscious command…

We are only as capable of receiving true Higher Guidance as we are willing to turn loose the tiller of thought, raise our eyes from the horizon of self, and wait quietly for a star not yet risen to reveal the Way.

Have you ever wondered if people see things in the same way that you do? For instance, though it has gone on for decades, over-the-top white-collar crime in relatively recent times has been rampant. It would seem that having multi-millions isn’t enough for some, so they steal money from their own company, leaving their employees…

Real, lasting higher achievement is all about revelation. Listen in to learn why nothing in the world is more valuable than our moment to moment possibility of discovering something new and true about ourselves… http://www.guyfinleynow.org/members/1262.cfm

Taking the path of least resistance is a half-action, and no one learns anything true and valuable from a half-action. Listen in to learn what it means to go to the end of things so that you can discover your true possibilities… http://www.guyfinleynow.org/members/2545.cfm

Unless heart, head, and hand are all in the same place at the same time, working as one, then whatever is done is done half-heartedly, without thoughtfulness, and in half-measures. The only way that heart, head, and hand can be all together at once is when Love unites them in a single purpose.

Question: I need some kind of new motivation for doing things that I just don’t feel like doing, even though I know I need to do them. Where do I look? Answer: All procrastination is rooted in resistance. The mind imagines how unpleasant a task will be by comparing it to past tasks, and then…

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