Letting Go with Guy Finley

In order to have a sunny life on a moment-to-moment basis, you must be willing to let something new happen to you. No one sincerely asks for a new life until they are thoroughly dissatisfied with the old one. Letting go of the old ideas is the only way to really invite something new. This…

Compulsive external “doing” is the negative effect of excessive internal noise.

We live in an invisible sea of thoughts, feelings, and emotions — all of which are a product of a system that is constantly recirculating itself. Use the powerful principles presented in this talk to step out of the pain-filled worlds of imagination, and into the one true world of authentic inner-peace. http://www.guyfinleynow.org/members/114.cfm

Meditation is the first effort on our part to understand that each and every moment of life can be truly new. But in our experience of life, each and every moment isn’t truly new. In fact, we rarely have new moments at all because we’re constantly in a kind of daydream, in some form of…

Look closely at any moment of your mental or emotional suffering and you will see that the lesson in it is invariably connected to a certain willfulness of yours expressed as insistence or resistance.

KEY LESSON: Going into painful confusion over the appearance of any problem is really the avoidance of realizing some temporary limitation in one’s understanding of oneself… and nothing else. A New Understanding About Confusing Feelings Question: Why do so many of your lessons leave me feeling so confused? Answer: Confusion can only appear when we…

More times a day than we want to acknowledge, we feel powerless. In such moments, for whatever reason, we see our situation as being without a solution. Confusion starts coloring our considerations. Frustration grows and surrounds us, and we find ourselves imprisoned behind a wall of fearful expectations. But we need not, and must not…

Our true home rests not in some time or place to come; neither does it await in a kingdom impossibly distant from us. Our home, as is true with our Heart of hearts, lies within. No map leads to this Divine door, because nothing that can be followed leads there; rather we pass over this…

In this short talk Guy Finley discusses what stands in the way of  spiritual fulfillment… http://www.guyfinleynow.org/members/1198.cfm It is a mistake for us to think in terms of spiritual “success.” We are not here to succeed as we currently believe; we are here to change. If we wanted to use words, we could say that real success…

One thing is certain: whether in our waking life, or in the dreams that visit our evening’s rest, thoughts and feelings fill our every present moment. Like the invisible winds that move the branches on the trees, we live in a world of this unseen, but ceaseless, flood of thoughts and feelings. In one sense,…

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