Letting Go with Guy Finley

Everywhere you look today people are only concerned with getting what they want, when they want it, and as fast as possible. The fires that fuel their appetite (for this envisioned success) create so much smoke that they lose sight of the fact that all they reap for their insistent sowing is one regret after…

Guy Finley explains that we are not intended to be the playwright of our own lives, enacting our own scripts, but rather we are the stage itself upon and through which life is forever being acted out.

Let go of the fear of being no one.

Whoever I am, Whatever you see is As nothing at all, Save what Love has made me.

Key Lesson: In this world, whoever tries to save himself from the fear of being seen as “nothing” — or as a “no one” — saves nothing but his fears. Make The Fear Of Being “No One” Fade Away “I know it’s a mistake looking to someone else for a sense of myself. I really…

Whoever chooses Truth above himself always chooses for himself.

Guy Finley explains that the path to a quiet mind isn’t through battling with what you think opposes your peace; it’s by remembering what you love, and giving your attention to self-observation so you can be a witness of the moment instead.

Question: I have tried overcoming my fears, and fight as I might, I just can’t seem to break free of their dark and self-limiting influences. To be safe from something, don’t you have to find a way to be stronger than it? Answer: Yes, but fighting with fear is like trying to deliver a knock-out punch to…

Fear protects itself, not you!

Guy Finley explains that being able to discern a true inner guide from a false one begins with understanding that any moment of disturbance that feels dark is actually intended to be a moment of illumination. Your first task in these moments is not to take action, but to work to be still and see…

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