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Letting Go with Guy Finley
Letting Go with Guy Finley
A Short Commentary on Conscious Suffering
Guy Finley
Brooding, resenting, blaming, regretting—all are forms of unconscious suffering; each and all serve to strengthen the false notion that our negative state is caused by a condition outside of us. These dark shadows that always trail behind unwanted moments serve a distinct purpose. Their job is to create, and then support, the impression that we…
The Downfall of Judging Others
Guy Finley
Question: I am working on finding my true self, but I can see that judging others is a huge downfall for me. I have constant comments about their looks, jobs, what they think, how they feel, etc. When I am aware of it, I can sometimes stop the thought, but it’s not enough! Answer: To…
The Beginning of True Humility
Guy Finley
Awakening to realize that whatever you judge in another is only what you’ve yet to see in yourself is the beginning of true humility; it is the first step toward a new and higher order of compassion.
The Captivity of Thought
Guy Finley
What we must learn to see — whenever we start racing around to resolve some problem that we can’t stop thinking about — is that the faster our mind wants us to run after the freedom it imagines eludes it, the more of a captive we become — held fast in the web of our…
(Video) A Spiritual Secret That Will Shock You Into Sanity
Guy Finley
Guy Finley explains that the mind talks to itself in order to keep itself endlessly occupied.
Quieting the Mind
Guy Finley
Question: If we cannot force a mind to be quiet, how does a quiet mind come about that is not forced? Answer: The mind is capable of seeing that what is disturbing it is itself an opposite. Here I am, and I am so concerned about tomorrow — my mind just won’t stop thinking about…
The New Direction that Only a Quiet Mind Sees
Guy Finley
The only reason we ever feel stuck between any proverbial rock and a hard place, unable to see our way out, is that we’ve forgotten this simple spiritual truth: there is always another direction waiting to reveal itself to us whenever we’ll work to remember it—one that leads us above and out of the illusion…
Take the “High” Way Out of Any Painful Confusion
Guy Finley
Confusion is a kind of psychic traffic jam in the mind, often manifesting itself at the onset of some challenging moment. And while we usually blame this interior tangle on conditions outside of us, the facts—once revealed—tell another story. Confusion is an inside job. It is caused by the simultaneous appearance of disparate, often conflicting…
Stop Hurting and Start Healing
Guy Finley
Any mental or emotional crisis in our life is evidence of an “account past due.” Understood properly, such pain reveals where we are holding on to parts of ourselves that cost us more to maintain than they are worth.
(Video) Refuse Abuse, Within and Without!
Guy Finley
Guy Finley explains that anyone who remains in an abusive relationship of any kind only does so because of their own weakness and inner agreement to be abused. As you work to separate yourself inwardly from the unconscious belief that without the acknowledgement of others you will be alone and cease to exist, you will…
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