Letting Go with Guy Finley

Question: I have long been investigating my personal career goals and see how they contradict what I really love and wish to do. I have been guilty of pursuing money first, but after years of feeling like I haven’t really succeeded (despite aiming for seemingly better circumstances), I see I am no better off financially.…

Two construction workers, employed on the same high-rise job for many months now, are seated on a steel beam overlooking the city. It’s time for lunch and a little relaxation from the stress of the day. But every day since they first started taking their meal together, one of the men, Dave, has never failed…

Whatever the race may be in this life, it is always won by whoever is willing to start it over as many times as it takes to realize victory.

The real spiritual rebellion is a quiet affair begun not in strength, but in a new resolution born of weariness of submitting to weakness.  

Guy Finley explains how it is weakness in us that resists and judges weakness in others, and how we can use that negative force of judgment for the purpose of creating unity instead of division.

One indication of making real effort, based on a true spiritual intention, is that even when we fail (with it), whatever regret we may have over our revealed weakness is tempered by an equal measure of realizing how important it is that we never forget what has just happened to us, within us; for now we have seen and…

Here is the obvious, but rarely acknowledged reason why we must dig in and do the difficult inner work needed for real self-transformation: if we don’t change, we gradually come to wholly embody the very weaknesses whose destructive nature we wish weren’t (living) within us. The courage to see the truth of this inevitable outcome gives…

A true spiritual intention is… and belongs to a level of ‘I’ that cannot know what it seeks, but that understands its one great imperative is to reveal whatever remains unseen within us. It alone can guide us where we cannot go without it, as it serves to reveal what cannot be seen any other way. It is the…

In this world, a star is something you wish upon while hoping that your wish may come true. But in higher worlds—in the spiritual kingdom—your wish is your star.

Our true spiritual task is not to try and make things “better,” but to do the actual interior work of making things brighter by consciously bringing any darkness we encounter (within ourselves) into the light of self-awareness.

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