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Letting Go with Guy Finley
Letting Go with Guy Finley
Resolve to Be Self-Realizing
Guy Finley
To seek resolution and relief from a difficulty of yours apart from the conscious realization of your part in it… is like a man in a tub full of water who… even as he continues to make waves with his legs… tries to quiet their ripples by patting them flat with his hands!
Make a New and True Beginning
Guy Finley
Reality itself is perfect resolution, but the paradox is that there is no such thing as resolution for the self that seeks the end of disturbance.
The True Spiritual Leap
Guy Finley
The true spiritual leap needed to go beyond yourself is born in the moment of understanding that what you need is not a way to resolve or outrun what is punishing you but to rise above that world within yourself where these recurring pains are a part of the natural landscape.
The Gift of Seeking the Divine
Guy Finley
A quiet mind, patient hands, and contented heart are gifts given freely to those who forgo trying to become “great” in favor of doing the soul work it takes to realize that the Greatness they seek is the very core of their being.
The Perfecting Power of the Light
Guy Finley
Our possibilities in life are as endless as the light that reveals them.
(Video) Here Is How the Light of Truth Sets You Free
Guy Finley
Guy Finley explains how the winter solstice — a time when we switch from increasing darkness to increasing light in the exterior world — is representative of a moment-to-moment possibility in our interior world. It is only when we allow the transformative light of consciousness to come into the dark of ourselves that we are…
The Light that Breaches Darkness
Guy Finley
Within you dwells the very light of truth. Its unshakable courage in the face of any fear is because it knows that any darkness brought before it—no matter how large it may temporarily loom— will be effortlessly absorbed by it.
The Hope of the Living Light
Guy Finley
We live in a stream of a Living Light that never stops pouring down upon us.
The True Meaning of the Holiday Season
Guy Finley
Question: Can you give us some insight on the true meaning of the holiday season which we are now in the midst of? What lesson might we take from it that will aid our spiritual growth? Answer: All forms of events are reflections of deeper, more invisible movements of certain forces that give rise to…
(Video) Your Pain, Planetary Forces, and the Unseen Path to Freedom
Guy Finley
Guy Finley explains that as photonic activity increases in our sun and solar system, our Earth becomes increasingly bathed in light. This increased exterior activity causes intensified interior stirring, which accounts for the rise of violent and hateful acts in humanity. Our work is to understand the higher purpose of everything we see unfolding within…
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