Letting Go with Guy Finley

Guy explains that when you wrestle with the world to try to get the things you think will make you happy, you are fighting the wrong battle. When you finally understand that happiness can’t be won from this world, you will be on the right path to discovering the source of true peace and contentment.

Billions give their lives away for a moment’s pleasure or the promise of approval. They sacrifice their happiness in the hope that by acquiring power they can make their world a prettier place in the face of all the ugliness that these same pursuits create. The few and the true also give their lives away—in…

If common social convention—with all its contrivance and hypocrisy—has one redeeming value, it is this: the happy day may come when we realize that too much of our time has been spent conversing with cleverly disguised thieves, listening to and believing in the plans of liars, and trusting in the promises of people who are,…

To weigh the value of what this world can reward us with, we need only remove the scales from our eyes, for were we willing to measure how many times we have fallen victim to a world that promises us victory but that leaves us a victim, then we would know just how hollow is…

Whether to persist and aspire to the Higher or drop into some dark despair, that is the question; and which of these two seeds flowers all depends on which one you choose to nourish and grow . . .

Guy Finley explains that within us exists both an affirming force that drives our wish to connect with the world above us, as well as a denying force that wants to keep us rooted in the desires of this world. When we feel the struggle between these two energies, we must choose to reach for…

If you’ll persist with your sincere wish for higher learning, you can’t help but succeed. Persistence always prevails because part of its power is to hold you in place until either the world lines up with your wish or you see that your wish is out of line. But, for whichever way it turns in…

The pitfalls along the upper path leading to the realization of the immortal Self are well marked by the aspiring souls who have gone before us. Their legacy of spiritual insights and revelations serves as signposts along the way for all who wish to awaken their sleeping divinity. In this instance, all traditions in the…

Once we realize that what makes any moment seem impassable is nothing other than our own resistance to what it asks of us, nothing remains impossible. Everything eventually yields to the one who persists. www.YourImmortalSelf.com

Nothing infuriates evil as much as being seen for what it is . . .

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