Letting Go with Guy Finley

Guy explains that every time we are identified with a negative state that is judgment day. We are judged, but not in a punishing sense. We are actually invited to see where we have acted from an imbalanced state.

Whatever we try to go around in ourselves guarantees it will come around again, which is why the things we fear in life and about ourselves always tend to reappear. Here’s the law that governs this relationship: whatever we resist in life persists as it does because whatever we oppose grows! In the New Testament,…

It’s a little-known secret that our experience of life in any given moment is a direct reflection of what we actually value in that same moment. We may deny this unsettling truth, but when it comes to what we are in relationship with, inwardly and outwardly, actions speak louder than words—and, seen or not, all…

The main reason we suffer or feel bad about ourselves or our current circumstances isn’t because conditions in our lives have the power to punish us—because they don’t. We suffer only from spiritual amnesia. We’ve forgotten that God, the Divine by whatever name you choose, is Good: not sometimes, not for just the “deserving,” but…

There is a direct and proportionate relationship between the degree of inconsolable pain that we have and a deep-seated misunderstanding of our real purpose for being alive. . .   www.YourImmortalSelf.com

Guy Finley explains the revelation of our true self is the natural outcome of a constant pruning away of the illusions we have about our own character.

When our attention is drawn to how much we don’t want to be what we are in any given moment, we can’t see ourselves as we actually are! This means that all forms of resistance-born reactions are blinding agents; they mask the fact of the moment with powerful, unwanted sensations that steal our attention so…

The real reason that we believe in any public performance—be it that of some well-known star or our own friends and loved ones—is that we are all, to one extent or another, actors on a stage. It’s not too far from the mark to say that many of us have come to believe that being…

Our need to change—to be made new—is constant; however, so is our resistance to change. The former is inseparable from the freedom it heralds, while the latter ensures the continuation of patterns that imprison the soul. Choose the latter and living becomes dying, but choose the former and see how dying leads to life. www.YourImmortalSelf.com…

The great journey leading to the immortal Self does not begin with fact but in faith untested. It is the journey of faith alone that reveals the fact of the Divine, much as a flower proves the unseen seed from which it springs into the light . . . www.YourImmortalSelf.com

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