Letting Go with Guy Finley

Guy Finley explains that there is a wave of love that alone has the capacity to wash away everything that causes you to be sad and angry. But you must ride it, be in its waters, and allow it to do what only it can do.

The next time you experience any kind of pain, you can do something that will turn it into a new and different experience. Each time you catch a pain, admit that you don’t understand it. You thought you did. You believed it was caused by another person or some event that thwarted you. As a…

Question: I have been a Christian almost all my life. A few years ago I had to have open-heart surgery, which caused a stroke, messing up my ability to do my job. I ended up losing a job that I was good at and enjoyed thoroughly. I feel like Job in the Bible in that…

I’m sure that we can all agree that no intelligent, conscious man or woman would ever intentionally hurt him or herself. No one would choose to ache. Yet the fact remains that all of us do hurt ourselves every day with bursts of anger or fits of depression or anxiety. There can be no doubt,…

Before we can know a happiness beyond the reach of conflict or sorrow, we must ourselves be whole; for any happiness apart from self-wholeness is only half a happiness and must, in time, prove itself so.

Guy explains that in order for the spirit to make its home in a human being, it must enter into all their parts to reveal, heal, and unite them. If only one part of you is involved, the rest is for naught.

We go through our lives in a continual dance of being filled with something that needs an answer, and then going out and finding that answer… only to find out that our answer wasn’t quite the answer. Then, as we bring to ourselves whatever we thought we needed, it changes. Or, as we actually see…

Question: I know I have a confused and divided mind, so how can I get it into self-wholeness? Answer: Just as an electric fan cannot sort papers on a desk, giving them order, neither can the whirling mind produce Peace. To see the truth of this causes a kind of “self-disconnect,” and at once things…

It is in the acceptance of life as it is — as it is given to us in each moment — that we find the wholeness, the holiness that is the one true center of this storm called “life.”

The main reason we must always remember to hold our chin up whenever negative thoughts try to drag us down is because whichever direction we choose first in that moment is what the rest of us will follow…

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