Letting Go with Guy Finley

Hoping to help someone — who loves to be negative — see the harm of being identified with dark states, is like trying to teach a bat to appreciate sunlight, or a mud hen to preen in fresh clean waters.

No person is good or bad in and of himself, any more than a trumpet is good or bad for the music sounded out of its horn. It is the “player,” the musician behind the mouthpiece who determines these qualities by his selection of song and the manner of performance. The same principle holds true…

Question: I am at work sometimes as much as I am at home. How do we avoid the negative influences of others in the workplace? Answer: The whole point is not that we avoid what are unavoidable, difficult conditions, but that we recognize the discomfort we feel belongs to our own resistance to these conditions.…

There are many un-illumined and downward trending parts in all of us that not only seek out their unconscious counterparts (in others) but that are secretly strengthened in the conflicted company of such dark and negative energies. We can see the truth of this strange spiritual condition by bearing witness to a common experience we…

Any time you sit, think about, and “stew” over what someone did to you, or simmer in anger about some past event, the real reason for your pain is because you’re cooking your own goose!

Guy Finley explains that all forms of rage, whether inwardly or outwardly directed, are the result of our thwarted attempts to possess what we think we need in order to be whole, happy, and in control.

The faster we try to go with whatever it may be that we are doing incorrectly, whether it’s hammering a nail or trying to nail down our happiness, the more and more frustrated we become for the unsatisfactory results. It is important to understand that we would never agree to give ourselves over to such…

When you hear someone say, “I’m sick and tired of it,” what they are really saying without realizing it is that they’re sick and tired of suffering from their own lack of understanding. This all becomes clear once we understand that unhappiness does not come at us, it comes from us. For instance, impatience with…

All of us have felt, at one time or another, trapped in our own life. During these periods of heightened unhappiness, one thing seems clear: the only reason we haven’t realized our great potential is because we’re being held back. There is some unpleasant person, an inescapable condition, some unwanted place in life where we…

  If you listen carefully, quietly, you’ll hear the voice of the moment tell you that all is well and always will be…

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