Letting Go with Guy Finley

Guy Finley explains in this brief talk that it is possible for us to find complete freedom from the mechanical, enemy-making nature that presently tricks us into believing that it is necessary to our well-being to have enemies of any kind.

We cannot change the world that we see until something changes in us the way we see it… 

Question: All of the difficulties we have with one another seem to be due to the fact that we’re all trying to protect ourselves. It seems like in the very process of trying to keep ourselves safe, we actually create the enemies out there who are threatening us. Answer: Who is the self in you…

If we really lived in this world as it is, there would be no war. If I really lived with the person that I was married to, if I really lived with the children that I have… it would be impossible to punish them. It would be impossible to be cruel to them. So we…

To discharge ones duty is the first responsibility. To do this thing well is the second task. To do more than one is asked is the Path to Perfection… 

Question: I have struggled with my career and work for all of my life. My wife and I live frugally, not wastefully, and do our best to be responsible householders. You have said that we must first be good householders before we can really do the spiritual work we need to. It seems that the “householder”…

If we went through our day tending half as much to the care of God’s business, as we give to our own affairs, then — from the resulting light of gladness seen spreading across the faces of family, friends, and strangers alike — the good truth would be obvious: taking care of God’s business is…

Question: On the householder’s path, I sometimes find it difficult to stop doing the mental work and start doing the mundane day-to-day tasks. Any suggestions for getting the same enthusiasm in earning our daily bread? Answer: Life gives us back moment to moment what we give to it… nothing more, nothing less. Give yourself to…

Guy Finley explains that being a good householder means that we are able to properly attend to what is practical before what is pleasing. By placing ourselves in this right relationship with our responsibilities, we become better able to discern our true needs from false ones, and find that all we receive from God is…

Within us lives a timeless Self that cannot forget what is right, bright, and true any more than the sun has to try to remember to shine each day.

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