Letting Go with Guy Finley

Guy Finley explains that if you want to have a relationship with the divine, with what’s right and good, you must learn to stand up for truth within you. Have the courage to exchange self-concern for spiritual awareness, and you will be given all you need as you are put in relationship with authentic strength…

Question: Where is the line between not having an issue with anything and enabling or allowing? I don’t understand where I must “forget myself” and where I must stand up for something. Answer: One should always try to “forget oneself” whenever one’s feelings about a matter are more centered around oneself — one’s image, opinion…

If we knew that the universe was set up for our higher transformation, and that Love is the underlying force in everything we see, and don’t see, we would never give in to the fear that keeps us locked in a prison of thought. So here’s something to remember that will always put the moment…

To have courage does not mean that we will be without fear. Real courage – the kind of courage we need on a day-to-day basis to act with integrity in our business and personal relationships – is our willingness to face our fears directly. And this goes much deeper than something like going against a…

Living in fear of what dwells within you – whatever it may be that you deny, or that you don’t want others to know about – is how darkness ensures you remain just outside the circle of Divine healing Light.

When we feel pain, we tend to take it personally and feel like we are the only ones in the world who are suffering. That seems like the natural thing to do. But what if pain is impersonal? What if the pain serves a purpose that is beyond our understanding? In this short talk, Guy…

Question: When I manage to remember my higher aim in life, I seem to lose control of my life, and other people are quick to take advantage of what they evidently see as my weakness. Should this be happening or am I going about something all wrong? Answer: This may sound strange at first, but…

Question: Why in the world am I so weak that I can’t remember my good intentions? How will I ever succeed spiritually when this weakness keeps getting in the way of my making any real progress? Answer: Part of the answer to this endless enigma requires an understanding of its own hidden dynamic — knowledge…

There are those who avoid — at all costs — being tested by life. There are those who wait, in fear, for life to test them. Then there are the rare few who choose to use life to test them in every moment they can remember to do so. Of these three types, which do…

  The past is as powerless to darken the present moment, as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it…

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