FRIDAY WISDOM is based on Christine Agro’s Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (The Special Moms’ Edition)
Compassion Card #3 in The Conscious Living Wisdom Card (Special Moms’ Edition)
Today I drew the Compassion Card.
I had to sit and think about this card for a bit and put it in the context of what is happening in our lives.
As we near the end of the school year, Caidin is definitely needing a little extra support and compassion I think is a good energy to consider. For many kids both the beginning and the end of the school year are challenging.
The beginning comes with the uncertainty of a new class, new teachers, old friends and new friends and the balance of the two and new schedules. The end of the school year brings a knowing (conscious or unconscious) that something is coming to close and that what they had in this moment will not be again. At the same time, kids begin to look to the summer and feel anxious and eager for the freedom that comes with it.
Add to that, teachers are tired and so are parents.
In my meditation space, I’ve looked a lot at the energy of compassion because I feel that our common understanding of it is lacking or slightly off base. True compassion is not sympathy or empathy, it is the ability to acknowledge the life lessons of another, and to hold space for those experiences without judgement.
Today I share with you the text “For Your Child” from The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards.
For Your Child
If you’ve drawn Compassion, you are being asked to see your child with different eyes. You are being reminded that this beautiful being in front of you is a big Spirit with a little body who is trying to learn how to “be” in this time and in this form. This learning experience comes with no shortage of challenges, confusions and anxieties. You are being asked to recognize the magnitude of what your child is learning, to remember this and to treat him* with kindness and love. Keep the big picture of his experience in mind no matter what kind of reaction his behavior is triggering in you. Having an understanding of what he is experiencing will help you offer support, guidance and even correction from a place of awareness, rather than a place of reaction.
As you move through next few weeks consider how and in what way you can embrace your child compassionately. And while you are at it, be sure to show teachers, loved ones and yourself the same compassion.
**A note about The Conscious Living Guide Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition): There are 42 cards in the deck and a guide book. The guide book includes insight for you which is meant to help you live life more consciously as well as insight for your child, which is meant to help support you in your Conscious Parenting. *Additionally, to avoid the awkwardness of saying he/she all the time, I have picked one gender to identify in each card. In the ‘Calm Card’ I use the masculine.
© 2012 Christine Agro
Christine Agro is a clairvoyant, naturopath, Master Herbalist, conscious mom and author of 50 Ways to Live Life Consciously as well as of The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition). Christine is founder of The Conscious Mom’s Guide, a membership site where she helps support you on your own journey of living life consciously and on your journey of being a Conscious parent. You can also join Christine on Facebook. To contact Christine or to schedule an appointment with her please email her.