Meditation: Card #31 in The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition), Illustrated by Samantha Bachechi, Creative Medium LTD (C) 2010-2012 Conscious Living Unlimited LLC

Friday Wisdom is shared from Christine Agro’s Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition) Each Deck has 42 cards and a booklet that offer insight and guidance for parenting consciously.

Meditation Card #31 in The Conscious Living Wisdom Card (Special Moms’ Edition)

Today I drew the Meditation Card.

When we think of Meditation we often think of the transcendental, raise-yourself-to –another-level, type of meditation. But that’s just one form of a tool that can really benefit your child. If you can teach your child to meditate, what you will be giving her is the ability to find a still, quiet space that can support her during times of stress, anxiety, emotional challenge, hyperactivity and uncertainty.

Caidin has been meditating since he was two. Funny, I know, and I wish I had taken pictures of him sitting in a train station deep in meditation. He learned to meditate because it’s something I do regularly. He wanted to ‘do’ what I was doing. He also does yoga for the same reason. What I notice today though is that he will take just a few minutes to use his meditation tool when he needs to find balance or even reset his emotions.

It’s a wonderful tool to teach your child, regardless of how you teach it. Meditation takes on many forms from walking meditation, to sitting crossed legged on the floor, to simply sitting in a chair with your feet acting as a grounding base. In the ‘For Your Child’ text from The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition) I offer two ways to teach your child to meditate. It’s great for parents too…hint, hint!

For Your Child

Meditation is a helpful tool for your child to have.  It teaches children to recognize that the power to address emotions, energy and experiences rests within.  You can empower your child by teaching her* how to ground and connect to the earth – the simple base for meaningful meditation.  If your child is young, play a game and ask her to lie down on her back and close her eyes.  Ask her to focus on the earth below her and to feel it supporting her, like it’s holding her. If she is experiencing problems, encourage her to let the earth absorb whatever they might be (nightmares, problems with friends, even temper tantrums).  If she is older, you can introduce this method. Have her sit in a chair with her feet flat on the floor, have her close her eyes and imagine a beam of light stretching from her tailbone down to the center of the earth. The only other thing to do is to have her imagine an on/off switch on the side of the beam and flip that switch on with her intention. Encourage her to let any worries, concerns or fears release down the beam of light. In addition to offering a way to manage from the inside out, this form of mediation offers a sense of grounding and balance that for many children helps them feel more in control of their own worlds. Whenever your child is emotionally, energetically or mentally out of balance, encourage her to use meditation as a tool to gain instant stability and enhance her own well-being.

**A note about The Conscious Living Guide Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition): There are 42 cards in the deck and a guide book. The guide book includes insight for you which is meant to help you live life more consciously as well as insight for your child, which is meant to help support you in your Conscious Parenting. *Additionally, to avoid the awkwardness of saying he/she all the time, I have picked one gender to identify in each card. In the ‘Calm Card’ I use the feminine.

© 2012 Christine Agro

Have questions about your child or need support? Christine offers private readings as well as on-line support at The Consicous Mom’s Guide

Christine Agro is a clairvoyant, naturopath, Master Herbalist, conscious mom and author of 50 Ways to Live Life Consciously as well as of The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition). Christine is founder of The Conscious Mom’s Guide , a membership site where she helps support you on your own journey of living life consciously and on your journey of being a Conscious parent. You can also join Christine on Facebook. To contact Christine, invite her to speak or to schedule an appointment with her please email her.

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