Do giants need their own lifestyle magazine?

They have their own way of doing things, that’s why. Giants have their own style, but they might need advice on doing life better. The Big Friendly Giant is a case in point.


The Big Friendly Giant, in the fantasy family film The BFG (2016, out now on DVD), lives off an unpronounceable vegetable. That’s all he has to eat. We can see he isn’t getting a balanced diet. Would a section on ‘giant’s diet’ in a giant lifestyle magazine help? With hints: where to find more and better food?

The BFG is also a lonely soul. Well, he may be lonely. Just because he lives alone does not mean he is lonely. But he could be lonely. What about a section on how to make and keep friends.

Aren’t most giants bullies?

What about hints on a better social life, tailored to giants?

The BFG isn’t a bully, but his neighbors who are giants are. If so, they may need serious help in being friendly. Those giants who are bullies would need a section on how to get along with your neighbor.

For gentle giants like The BFG there should be a column on ‘what to do when giants get mean’.

A good friend

However, though all these things may help the BFG somewhat, he does not need a magazine about being a good friend.

He may have a bad diet. No one is knocking on his door to come over for a good time.

He may be bullied. He may be ostracized.

But he’s a good friend and he’s kind and gentle.  No matter what the BFG looks like and sounds like, in all its tarnished glory, he’s genuine.

The BFG is the kind of friend we all would like to have, even if he does not look it and even if he slurs his words too much. Could be that being a good friend is all the BFG has to give, but that is a lot.

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