Nous sommes tous montagnards, vive la montagne!

We are all Montagnards, vive La Montagne!

Slogan used in an address to the Jacobin Club, 1793

In order to make the facts clear on a subject that I have unfortunately avoided since early 2013, I have decided to publish a thoroughly detailed explanation of the “Mont Order” and all that it represents. This should explain the facts as they presently exist on this apparently misused subject, as well as clarify my own intentions for all things that the Mont Order deserves to encompass in future, if any.

For the best summary of the Mont Order’s history and aspirations, read the essay: The Mont Order: Tradition and Future

For the religious tolerance dimension and more background on the Order and its friends, read the Dissident Voice article: An Understanding of the Mont Order

By Harry J. Bentham

HJB Signature and stamp

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