Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.
It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove.
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
If blogging is a revolution in media like the printing press, it is sure to frustrate certain “respected” people.
Thanks to ubiquitous technology, many people have gone from voiceless to wielding a disproportionate ability to lobby world opinion. In their inability to accept this change in the media landscape, the formation of what we have come to know as the blogosphere, journalists and governments will seek to demonize alternative sources of information and the organizations sustaining such sources.
Tragically, people who intended to shed ink can too often shed blood for their commitment to truth and virtue
I recall that I myself have been attacked by mainstream media journalists (despite the fact that Beliefnet is part of the mainstream media), who consider me to be a charlatan simply because I am an authority on the blogosphere rather than old-fashioned news outlets. Due to this experience, I see myself as someone on the frontline of the battle between the blogosphere and the established press. The importance of this battle shouldn’t be underestimated; it is the most significant battle of our time, setting the modernity of technology against the decayed and flawed democracies under which we live. I believe it is part of the crisis of the world-system, defined by the constant deterioration of state legitimacy away from fake democratic mandates to a more arbitrary and “rule”-based form.
Max Keiser explained in a recent episode of his Keiser Report show at RT, that bloggers’ voices are powerful enough to prevent wars, such as the war threatened against Syria in 2013. This angers the establishment press, who want to consider themselves as authorities on the political facts. The people who once dictated the debate, dictated the parameters of all political and policy choices before the masses, are being dispossessed, loathed and irrelevant. as the Catholic Church and various monarchs once reacted in fury to the apparent moral arrogance and impudence of the men behind the first printing presses – the men who would become the Protestant Reformation – mainstream media and governments today are irritated by bloggers and Internet trolls, perceiving us as a threat to their pompous moral authority. Our work is never done. Like the iconoclasts and republicans of old, the children of the Internet must show the intelligentsia in the media and government no mercy. Surely, the reality that bloggers are capable of changing the world is something we must act upon now. We should try to cultivate an even greater form of lobbying power through blogs, and this is why teams and alliances of blogs should be encouraged.
The Mont Order collective blog in its latest draft form
If single bloggers can form a chorus enough to prevent wars or encourage social and political change merely by recognizing a shared truth, it is clear that greater coordination between them would only increase this capability. Thus the idea of collectives, affiliations or clubs of bloggers is a potent idea. I am trying to help exactly such a clan in the form of the Mont Order, for whom I intend to set up and promote a shared blog to popularize as a new kind of dissident society.
I apologize that this post didn’t have something more substantive on the domain name change that I talked about last week. Today, I was trying to get to stop sending people to this blog, instead setting it up as the address of the new Mont Order shared blog. People continue to be forwarded or see a fail screen ( due to slowness of the domain registration service. I am very unhappy about this simple change producing such a messy, destructive result for people searching for the L’Ordre blog or Mont Order resources. At present, I am left with no options but to wait for the problem to correct itself because I can detect no mistakes in the steps I have taken.