
Quite recently, I tweeted that the Stop the War Coalition is correct to only criticise the wars backed and endorsed by the British government. I was praising an article by John Wight. There is no Stop the War Coalition hypocrisy when it comes to issues like Syria or other perceived “enemy” states like Russia. Peace…

It is now difficult to deny that racism is growing in a number of Western countries, and racist politicians who would have been considered corrosive or marginal to society only a decade ago are currently on the verge of being elected as national leaders. The fact that racism is growing should be a source of dismay…

I want to comment a second time about the Syrian conflict in light of reports about a recent stabbing that apparently took place in London. When arguing for illegal unilateral UK airstrikes in Syria, pro-war speakers in Parliament said they believed Britain would be safer if it took part in airstrikes against terrorist targets in the country. Their understanding of…

Images of a possible Third World War are often invoked by people warning about confrontations between powers like Russia and the US. Usually, we are just being too dramatic by bringing up such images. Most of the time, people are exaggerating. But since the UK committed aircraft to combat in a location already swarming with other states’ armed…

The main target in conspiracy theories of the Alex Jones type are “the globalists”, the proponents of so-called globalisation. However, I’m here to say I am a globalist and that globalisation is necessary and good. Globalists believe in a global community. We aren’t the ones causing suffering, violence and intrigue in the world but the ones trying…

I want to commentate a little here, to offer my thoughts on Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet over Syria. The jet downing highlights the problem that Turkey sees ISIL almost as an ally rather than an enemy. Turkish officials are on record saying America’s allies in Syria – the Kurds – are a bigger…

It is clear that ISIL, rather than being a grand revolutionary force trying to overturn the mistaken conquests like the Iraq War by the US in the Islamic world as it claims, is no Islamic state but a plaything of various other countries. A typical terrorist group, ISIL can only be called a proxy of other countries. Turkey,…

The small popular Representative Press channel at YouTube has created a petition to gather support against Google for imposing financial hardship on some alternative media channels hosted at the giant video-sharing website. Use the link below to add your own support to this petition, which is about ensuring people have access to all sides of…

When it comes to moral and political struggles, the use of ‘might makes right’ as a characterization of the opponent’s view is often used. The claim that might does not make right sounds like a Christian-inspired one. Nietzsche would probably have scoffed at it, as he seems to in his book Thus Spake Zarathustra. The Romans certainly did believe might…

A recent coordinated murder spree occurred in Paris, most probably by a group from ISIL, the so-called Islamic State (you may know it just as IS or ISIS), who call themselves soldiers but are only brave enough to kill unarmed people. The greatest “victories” of ISIL consist of executions of captured journalists with their hands tied behind their backs.…

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