
Nous ne pouvons arracher une seule page de notre vie, mais nous pouvons jeter le livre au feu. We cannot tear a single page from our life, but we can throw the whole book into the fire. Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin The US has decided that all forces who interfere in its plans to train rebel groups inside…

The government in a revolution is the despotism of liberty against tyranny. Le gouvernement de la révolution est le despotisme de la liberté contre la tyrannie. Robespierre Conversations in the media about Donald Trump’s anti-immigration canards, the migrant crisis in Greece and Macedonia, and protest actions in Britain and Germany, have brought immigration and its…

… il n’est rien creu si fermement que ce qu’on sçait le moins, … Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know. Michel de Montaigne When Afghanistan was first invaded by US forces in 2001 and beyond, most voices in the west sided with this aggression. Using the national trauma caused by…

Mon siège est fait. My siege is finished. René-Aubert Vertot The vilification of Vladimir Putin in the media makes us blind to the good he does. Unlike the US, which supports failed rebel groups in Syria who are killing one another, the Russian government wants a peaceful resolution of the Syrian Conflict. The hysterically anti-Russian media avoids mentioning this…

J’ai un but, une tâche, disons le mot, une passion. Le métier d’écrire en est une violente et presque indestructible. I have an object, a task, let me say the word, a passion. The profession of writing is a violent and almost indestructible one. George Sand When I wrote my dissertation on “Islamist terrorism” for…

L’homme n’est rien, l’oeuvre – tout The man is nothing, the work – all Gustave Flaubert The nuclear deal reached by Iran with world powers won’t put an end to conspiracies to wage a war of aggression against Iran. The last US troops leaving Iraq after the country’s occupation ended Instead of trying to invalidate…

Qui dépense trop n’est jamais riche. Those who spend too fast never grow rich. Honoré de Balzac The US government’s supposed new plan to take over Syria by arming a small group of rebels ended in them all getting killed or going missing. This disaster cost the US 250 million dollars (a quarter billion), resulting in 50…

O Liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom! O Liberty, how many crimes are committed in thy name! Madame Roland What I am about to argue may seem crazy, but events in the Middle East have become so crazy that only the wildest solutions can be entertained at this point. Flag of the…

Tous les arts ont produit des merveilles: l’art de gouverner n’a produit que des monstres. Most arts have produced miracles, while the art of government has produced nothing but monsters. Louis Antoine de Saint-Just One type of misinformation that should be watched vigilantly is the way Islam is endlessly singled out as a violent religion.…

On n’enseigne pas l’intellectualisme en une école. Intellectualism is not taught in school. Jules de Gaultier The idea that countries should welcome everyone and citizenship should be charitably extended to everyone also gives rise to the idea of “citizens of the world”. But is this idea noble, or even necessary? The hardest part of humanity’s change…

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