Jay, you are half right in discussing the reception (I’m not sure why you characterized it as a “celebration”) to be given by 25 significant religious groups for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  He is, of course, a revolting figure in so many ways.  He is the puppet of the most extreme clerics in Iran.  His…

In an inexplicable move, some religious organizations will host a dinner reception on September 25 for one of the world’s most renowned terrorist supporters, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He has been asked to speak on the topic, “Has Not One God Created Us? The Significance of Religious Contributions to Peace.” I stand with the United…

Jay, I know you were at the annual Religion Newswriters Conference the other day and may have seen first-hand pollster John Green‘s startling-to-some news that after all the hyped up effort by Democratic Party officials to go after evangelicals, evangelicals are sticking with Republicans.  It appears that the numbers are virtually the same now for…

Barry, you can stop waiting for answers. It looks like you are just trying to put the worst-possible spin on the Values Voters Summit to detract from the serious issues of importance to evangelicals that were considered there.   I have no idea whether the remarks you claim were made were actually made there, and…

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