Governor Palin’s speech was seen by many observers, in pundit parlance, as a “homerun”.  Unknown a week ago, and after a pretty mediocre appearance with McCain last Friday, she gave a smart, snappy, unexpectedly direct speech which was partly done in “mom mode” and part in “attack dog” mode. The Republican delegates treated her with “rockstar” reaction (even though Republicans are not supposed to think of politicians as rockstars because that only brings up images of Barack Obama).

Many voters now know that she is very human, that she is very family-oriented, and that she is God focused.  That is a good enough for the Little League ballpark; it is not sufficient for the World Series.  I mean the “world” literally here.  She uttered not one meaningful foreign policy statement, nothing to suggest that she is aware of the complexities of the modern age of interconnected economic and defense interests which defines the globe today. This comes a day after learning that her “visit” to Europe consisted of a stopover in the Shannon Airport on the way to the Middle East on her one and only trip out of the USA.  (The Irish family we had dinner with last night found that very amusing.)
Many of my church/state separationist friends back in the US were a bit surprised that she didn’t hit the social issues buttons: abstinence only education (she may not be a hypocrite for promoting it after her daughter’s pregnancy but she sure seems reluctant to change her policies based on new evidence); abortion; evolution; school vouchers and all the rest.  My reaction is that she already has the voters who think as she does on those issues, including  even Dr. James Dobson. Why throw more raw meat to the dogs when they are happy and contented?  It could only make a racket that would disturb the neighbors.  
I don’t think any acceptance speech has been what people remember in the voting booth.  Sarah Palin did a fine job.  I think we’ll see that one fine evening does not a campaign make.
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