Barry, as you know, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued an important ruling earlier this week on the constitutionality of prayer before legislative bodies.   In Cobb County, Georgia, a few local taxpayers challenged the County Commission’s practice of inviting community clergy members to offer prayers before Commission meetings on a…

Jay, I know you would like to seethe tax code provision barring endorsement of candidates by non-profitsrepealed.  We have a big difference ofopinion about that.              However, I do not see why you believe thatunder the current law the “line between issue advocacy and electioneering isnot clear cut”.  If a minister reallywants to talk…

Barry, the examples you cited show precisely why the IRS gag rule should be repealed. When the IRS investigates pro-life churches who speak out in defense of the unborn during the election season, it has a chilling effect on other churches. The line between issue advocacy and electioneering is not clear cut, and the uncertainty…

For the past two years I have been telling my liberal friends, Jay, that the Religious Right is not dead; it is not even sleeping.  I’ve also been alerting them to the fact that the so-called “new evangelicals” may have a legitimate interest in poverty and environmental degradation, but that they often are anti-reproductive choice,…

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