Barry, you are right on target.  It is certainly up to President-elect Obama and his wife to make the best decision possible for the education of their two daughters.  This is a private, family matter. But, as we both know, the media is anxious to make a story where there is none. There’s no secret…

According to the Washington Post, President-elect Obama has decided to send his two daughters to the Sidwell Friends School.  This is a wise decision.  Earlier in the week both the Post and syndicated columnist Cal Thomas had editorialized that he should send the children to the District’s public schools.  The pundits were arguing that to…

Barry, the reason that you had “many moments of doubt” during the argument is that the Pleasant Grove City v. Summum case is about the meaning of a different provision of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.”   This case deals with the government’s authority…

Jay, I must say publicly what I told you privately after the oral argument in the Pleasant Grove City v. Summum argument.  You did a very fine job.  You also know, though, that I believe it was a great job defending an indefensible position. Several of the justices join you in one fundamental error: religious…

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