Jay, I can’t believe you have gotten roped into complaining about the Department of Homeland Security’s recent assessment of potential terrorist threats from right-wing groups. You are joining Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and “columnist” Michelle Malkin in making a mountain out of a molehill.  In fact, this is an instance when the…

Barry, rest assured there is a new and vibrant generation of conservative Christians that are already engaging what are called the “Culture Wars.”  I personally have never liked that phraseology. This is really a clash of world views. There is no doubt that Dr. James Dobson, Founder of Focus on the Family, has laid an…

Maybe  James Dobson was just having a particularly bad day.  As the top Religious Right leader gave a “farewell speech” to the staff at Focus On the Family he noted that “we are awash in evil” and that “humanly speaking, we can say we have lost all those battles.”  By those battles he meant the…

Jay, I’m happy to talk about your fears about creeping internationalism and the end of United States sovereignty.  But wait!  You provide no evidence that this administration wants to give up America’s constitutional form of government or even its currency (that fear was so last week anyway).  Neither does it want to mind-meld with the other nations…

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