Jay, I’d like you to revisit a little blog-versation we had a few months back.  A Department of Homeland Security memo had suggested that it was important for law enforcement agents to concern themselves with domestic, not just foreign, terrorist threats.  Most of the right side of the blogosphere, including yourself, insisted this had the taint of a smear campaign and a whiff of First Amendment violation.  In particular, you were concerned about a reference to “pro-life” groups.

Well, one “pro life” activist thought he had the backing of some such groups (and certainly that his actions fit perfectly into the amoral universe of such ethical charlatans as Randall Terry and Pastor Wiley Drake).  That activist, of course, is Scott Roeder and he stands accused of the assassination of Dr. George Tiller, a doctor who performed abortions that his patients chose to have.

Roeder has now told the Associated Press
during a phone call to them from jail that there is a “plan” to have
others do what he apparently did.  If true, wouldn’t it be vitally
important to figure out who is doing the planning that Roeder has said
is already occurring?  How would the FBI, local law enforcement
agencies, or others sworn to uphold the law start to answer that
question if they did not somehow investigate the “anti-choice” world?

this doesn’t mean that anything goes.  I’m not suggesting that every
“right to life” leader be hauled into the nearest FBI office.  I don’t
mean that government infiltrators or agents provocateur go to every
rally where a speaker discusses the so-called “pre-born.”  But it also
shouldn’t mean that law enforcement should be, dare I say it,
“politically correct,” and just ignore Roeder’s warning or treat it
like bravado of the deranged.

So, Jay, why not tell the folks on
your side of this debate to affirmatively work with law enforcement to
see that those people exercising their constitutional rights, and
allowing their patients to exercise theirs, do not have to live in fear?

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