The Lynchburg News and Advance reported on Liberty University’s announcement yesterday that it was changing its policy in regard to student political clubs.  From now on, no partisan clubs, even the Republican Club, will be given “official” status or receive any student funding.  This is a significant step in the right direction. As I mentioned…

I like Peeps, too.  Barry, the key issue is whether there is religious discrimination going on when it comes to the issue of the Easter Peeps. If the landlord is simply enforcing in an evenhanded manner a religion-neutral lease provision regarding cleanliness, there’s probably not much of a case. On the other hand, however, if…

I have a certain endearing respect for Peeps, those marshmallow creations which used to be seen solely in the form of chickens and rabbits at Easter but now have a ubiquitous presence during every holiday period.  The creatures come from the Just Born candy company in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the place I grew up.  (Even earlier,…

Barry, “sectarian” programming should not be excluded from public broadcasting at a time when matters of faith and religion are so much in the news and in the hearts and minds of viewers.   Local public broadcast programming is supposed to be tailored to the unique needs and characteristics of the community. This unfortunate decision…

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