Barry, I know we won’t agree on the abortion/health care issue – but it’s worth noting that we have heard from more than 70,000 Americans (more than 60,000 online) who are demanding that Congress include an exclusion on abortion services to prevent them from becoming mandatory benefits in any health care legislation.  There are a number…

Not surprisingly, we have such a different view about fetuses and their alleged “rights” that we haven’t resolved the issue of coverage of “reproductive health” and abortion in the healthcare bill. You would grant constitutional rights to what the Religious Right calls the “preborn.” Let me ask what your view is on the “already born.” …

Barry, I disagree that “any sensible health care reform” is going to have to cover, as you call it “reproductive health care,” or as I would say, “abortion.”  Americans do not want their federal dollars paying for abortions.  Let me set the facts straight.    You cite polling numbers from the pro-abortion groups Guttmacher Institute…

Jay, any sensible health care reform plan is going to have to cover women’s reproductive health care more completely and equitably than the current system. We need to listen to those in the medical field as to what is the best health care package for every American, women obviously included, and follow that advice. As…

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