It did not take long for the media and politicos to start speculating about what the death of Senator Kennedy will mean to the current debate on health care and other vital issues.   Just hours after his death, a call from some to turn Obama-care into Kennedy-care.  Some are vowing to “win one for…

Today, our country has lost one of its strongest defenders of the Constitution, Sen. Edward M.Kennedy. He was a longstanding civil rights advocate and will be greatly missed. I issued this statement about Sen. Kennedy this morning via Americans United’s Web site:  “Sen. Ted Kennedy was a great champion of church-state separation. It’s not just…

I like to think that my outrage is in relative proportion to the outrage that generated it in the first place.  I have never been known to give any politician a “pass” nor to overstate the gravity of a politician’s anti-separation errors. So, as in my earlier blog, or in this interview with Fox News, I said what…

Barry, I’m pleased to see that you brought up President Obama’s use of religion during his conference call designed to drum up additional support among religious Americans for his health care plan.  I’m glad that you’re concerned, but disappointed that your response is so muted.  Where’s the outrage, Barry?   Your comments barely reflect a…

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