Yesterday at 5 o’clock Eastern time, I joined the President and 130,000 of his closest friends on a conference call about health care.  Earlier in the day, the President had a similar phone call with about 1,000 rabbis, initiated by my longtime friend David Saperstein, head of the Reform Action Center. Was there anything wrong…

The White House flagging program was both less useful and less sinister than its advocates and opponents, respectively, believed.  One can understand the frustration that the White House has about the astonishing level of lies, misinformation and nonsense being promoted by the opponents of health care reform. However, most of the criticism is the result of well-orchestrated…

Barry, it looks like the White House got the message:  its email ‘flagging’ operation appears to have been disabled.   As I reported to you last week, the White House launched in early August what can only be described as a citizen reporting program.  The program was unveiled on the White House website by Macon…

Jay, I want to get back to the very serious issue of the debate over health care in a few days, but I want to interrupt that flow with a point of personal privilege. You see, I have been attacked by Ann Coulter…again. This one deserves an immediate response. She has now claimed that I’m…

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