Even with a flawed federal district court decision declaring the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, prayer events are taking place coast-to-coast on this National Day of Prayer – as they should.
With this year’s event got more attention because of the court decision, I remain confident that the government’s appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals to the Seventh Circuit – and if necessary, to the U.S. Supreme Court, will succeed.
In fact, as we prepare our amicus brief to file in support of the government’s appeal, we will be representing members of Congress (the number is at 50 and climbing) and concerned Americans (more than 65,000 so far) who understand that the National Day of Prayer is a voluntary, constitutional event.
And, like presidents before him, President Obama issued his proclamation recognizing this National Day of Prayer.
Here’s an excerpt of President Obama’s proclamation:
Throughout our history, whether in times of great joy and thanksgiving, or in times of great challenge and uncertainty, Americans have turned to prayer. In prayer, we have expressed gratitude and humility, sought guidance and forgiveness, and received inspiration and assistance, both in good times and in bad.
On this day, let us give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our Nation. Let us rejoice for the blessing of freedom both to believe and to live our beliefs, and for the many other freedoms and opportunities that bring us together as one Nation. Let us ask for wisdom, compassion, and discernment of justice as we address the great challenges of our time.
We are blessed to live in a Nation that counts freedom of conscience and free exercise of religion among its most fundamental principles, thereby ensuring that all people of goodwill may hold and practice their beliefs according to the dictates of their consciences. Prayer has been a sustaining way for many Americans of diverse faiths to express their most cherished beliefs, and thus we have long deemed it fitting and proper to publicly recognize the importance of prayer on this day across the Nation.
Barry, there may be a temporary legal cloud hanging over the National Day of Prayer, but like most clouds, it will dissipate – and soon disappear – thanks to the appeals process now underway.
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