Barry, I am still waiting for the call to moderate The Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion with you.  But alas, no offers.  Look, I think it’s absolutely fine for the candidates to appear at Saddleback Church.  If the NAACP offers the same type of forum, I would hope Senator Obama and Senator McCain would participate.  Hey, as you mentioned on the radio the other day, it would have been great if Senator Obama took Senator McCain up on the town hall forums.  I see that as about as likely as–well you and I being asked to be the questioners.  But at least we can agree that the hope is that Pastor Warren will ask questions about the Judges.  I find it hard to believe that we are the only two on the right and left who care about this hugely significant issue for all Americans, even those who have no faith.


Oh, and  while we are discussing Church and State–which we’re not, for those who have been following the blog the last few days–I had a nice little win against the ACLU involving Judge DeWeese.  He had your favorite up in his courtroom–the Ten Commandments–among other historic documents.  To read the opinion by Judge Kathleen O’Malley, click here


In essence, the ACLU tried to have Judge DeWeese held in contempt of court.  However, the court said “No”– the new monument (to view the poster in Judge DeWeese’s courtroom, click here) did not violate the old order, which only applied to an earlier display of the Ten Commandments by themselves.  We can digress from the Rick Warren Forum and chat about this one.  I suspect you will disagree.


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