Barry, as debate unfolds on the economic stimulus package on Capitol Hill, we’ve already seen some of the ‘spending’ priorities of this new Administration and Congress.   President Obama wasted no time in issuing an Executive Order clearing the way for using federal taxpayer funds abroad for abortion.  And, many members of Congress support the push…

I knew you would not be happy, Jay, that President Obama did what he had always said he would do–remove the restriction against even discussing abortion by groups which are engaged in international family planning and receive any tax dollars.  The rule imposed by the Bush Administration was so broad that it prohibited such counseling…

Barry, it’s clear that this President is working quickly to overturn many of the policies of his predecessor.  But, what is most troubling in the flurry of Executive Orders issued by President Obama in the hours of his new presidency, is the repeal of what’s become known as the “Mexico City Policy.” This Executive Order ending…

Well, Jay, I think your”victory” in the Illinoispharmacy case may be short-lived. First, on the merits, it seems unlikelythat the courts will create some new “right” to allow licensedprofessionals to “opt out” of any practice they find religiouslyobjectionable.  Second, to the extent that your suit alleges violations offederal regulations, I would hope that President Obama…

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