Before I suggest that readers take a look at a more detailed post-election document, I wanted to note something about your last post.  If prayer is to be taken seriously, we have to know what the praying is for.  I’m always skeptical of signing on to a prayer train when I don’t know where it…

The blogosphere is filled with them: predictions about the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  Although a Google search indicates there are even ones made by monkeys, a quick examination of the first few hits indicates this could be a put on. Look, Jay, since no trees die in cyberspace, I’m going to add to the volume. …

Jay, I know you would like to seethe tax code provision barring endorsement of candidates by non-profitsrepealed.  We have a big difference ofopinion about that.              However, I do not see why you believe thatunder the current law the “line between issue advocacy and electioneering isnot clear cut”.  If a minister reallywants to talk…

Barry, the examples you cited show precisely why the IRS gag rule should be repealed. When the IRS investigates pro-life churches who speak out in defense of the unborn during the election season, it has a chilling effect on other churches. The line between issue advocacy and electioneering is not clear cut, and the uncertainty…

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