Barry, to address your critique of a McCain supporter’s prayer: people of all faiths are entitled to pray as they see fit. There is nothing wrong with wanting our government leaders, who make decisions that have a profound impact on our lives, to share our value systems. I agree with you that Americans should vote…

The fact that tonight represents the final debate between Senators McCain and Obama at Hofstra University on Long Island also marks the final opportunity for these two candidates to address – in a debate format – key issues that have been virtually ignored in this campaign.   The fact is that these candidates – and…

Barry, I agree that constitutional issues and the importance of Supreme Court nominations should get more coverage during this Presidential campaign. I would like to see this issue discussed at the debate tonight even if Tom Brokaw does not bring it up. The next president will be in a position to potentially choose several Supreme…

As the Presidential campaigns enter the final seven weeks before the election, it will be interesting to watch how evangelical Christians, Catholics, and other religious voters respond to the outreach efforts of both sides.   The Obama campaign has taken a page from political playbooks of the past and is now preparing to roll out…

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