Jay, of course senators on the Judiciary Committee should ask thoughtful questions about what we often refer to as “judicial philosophy” during the hearings on Judge Sonia Sotomayor.  There is only one problem: some members of the committee have already made it clear they are planning ideological bloviations which will take up valuable time that ought to be…

Barry, I certainly want law enforcement officials to have all the tools they need to go after those who use violence to make their point – whether they open fire at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. taking the life of a security guard, or target physicians.  Law enforcement must do all it can to…

Jay, I’d like you to revisit a little blog-versation we had a few months back.  A Department of Homeland Security memo had suggested that it was important for law enforcement agents to concern themselves with domestic, not just foreign, terrorist threats.  Most of the right side of the blogosphere, including yourself, insisted this had the…

Barry, I really don’t understand what you are talking about.  Much of what President Obama is being criticized for revolves around substantive issues – not style.  And, it’s hardly “nitpicking” as you suggest.  A lot of troubling developments have occurred in the Obama Administration’s First 100 Days.   Let’s just take a look at his…

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