Jay, I am incredulous about your continued “shock” that pro-choice Presidential candidate Barack Obama is now pro-choice President Barack Obama. The President made it clear throughout the campaign that he was pro-choice: noting that he would overturn the Mexico City Policy and criticizing overly broad “conscience” clauses.  In addition, he made it clear that he…

President Obama has wasted little time since taking office staking out positions that are hostile to protecting human life.   Within days of taking the oath of office, President Obama signed an Executive Order repealing what’s been called the “Mexico City Policy” which correctly barred the use of federal funds by non-governmental agencies abroad for…

Jay, you may be the only person in America who is shocked (yes,shocked) that President Obama is making good on campaign promises. During thecampaign, Obama was open about his pro-choice views on abortion. He vowed tooverturn the regressive (and frankly foolish) “Mexico City policy” and has done so. He saidhe would support the Freedom of…

Barry, I don’t think anyone really has a clue on how President Obama plans to move forward with his faith-based efforts.  I am not sure the even the President knows at this point.

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