Well, about 35 pastors, most with the aid of the Alliance Defense Fund, have issued a challenge to the Internal Revenue Service’s statutory authority to prohibit preachers from endorsing or opposing candidates from the pulpit using church resources.  For example, the pastor at Warroad (Minnesota) Community Church said, “We need to vote for the most righteous…

Barry, we both agree that our constitutional tradition continues to recognize the freedom to speak from the pulpit about the moral issues of the day. We obviously disagree, however, on whether “Big Brother” government surveillance, investigation, and punishment of churches due to the content of their speech should be stopped once and for all. The…

To hear some people tell it, this Sunday is one of the most important days in the history of the American church.  This is the day when the church pulpits of America will be freed from the bondage of the state.  This is the day the church will finally be free! Wait a minute.  Isn’t…

I’ve been getting more information in about last weekend’s “Values Voters” confab in Washington, the place where the “Obama Waffles” booth was located.  Speaker Star Parker referred to public schools as “cesspools” and claimed that taxing the rich was a “violation of the Scripture”.  Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped into Senator Edward Kennedy with…

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