Nevada Senator Jon Ensign has leaped into the debate over the District of Columbia’s school voucher program with both feet.  Although not usually known in Congress for his interest in education, his interest in ideology is apparent justification for attempting to continue a completely failed private school subsidy program for the District as part of…

Barry, I am stunned by your defense of President Obama’s pro-abortion policies.   You say that you’re ‘delighted’ that he’s making good on his promises in this area.  Come on, Barry.  Level with me.  You know this is not about choice – it’s about abortion.  I get it.  So, under the guise of being ‘pro-choice’ –…

Jay, I know that my good friend Bill Press did get 2 United States Senators (that would be, out of 100) to say they’d consider a return of the Fairness Doctrine.  Some liberal commentators wish he hadn’t even asked. However, I’m still trying to figure out what it is you fear would happen if it…

Barry, it’s impossible to ignore the ongoing discussion and renewed calls from members of Congress to bring back the Fairness Doctrine or what many are saying will be legislation that will go by a different name. 

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