Barry,   The nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens comes as no surprise.  She was the leading candidate for weeks and in remarks announcing the nomination, President Obama said Kagan is “an acclaimed legal scholar with a rich understanding of constitutional law.”     That’s fine.  But…

Jay, I prayed today.  I forgot that this was National Day of Prayer.  I hope no members of Congress objected to me acting on my own and basically not giving one hoot what they thought about it.  Maybe I should have filed my prayer in advance to make sure John Boehner and Mitch McConnell thought…

Barry, It’s really the beginning of the end for Judge Crabb’s faulty decision.  The Department of Justice has filed its notice of appeal in the case clearing the way for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit to engage this issue.  If the appeals court doesn’t correct this – the Supreme Court will. …

Barry, This decision hardly represents a ‘victory’ for religious liberty, as you suggest.  It’s more like a small setback in the ongoing battle to keep groups like Freedom From Religion Foundation from purging all religious references and observances from American public life.  This decision is by a single federal district court in Wisconsin.  It does…

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