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Lynn v. Sekulow
Lynn v. Sekulow
Keep the Commandments Constitutional
Jay Sekulow
Barry, I want to offer my congratulations to you and your family. I’m sure your son’s wedding was, indeed, a great celebration. I want to take a moment to discuss a topic you and I have debated from time to time – the constitutional role of displaying the Ten Commandments. As you know, ABC…
My Own Family Values
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Sadly, I had to miss this year’s edition of the Religious Right’s “family values” festival — the Values Voters Summit here in Washington. I was engaging in my own celebration of family values by participating in my son’s wedding out in California. Now that was a great event. I’ve been reading many accounts of the…
Concerns About the Baucus Health Care Bill
Jay Sekulow
The bill introduced to reform health care by Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) has splintered the Democrats and so far has no support among Republicans. As reported earlier, Senators Grassley and Enzi, in fact, have expressed concerns about the abortion provisions. Based on our initial reading, we too have concerns with the abortion provisions in…
No Abortion Diversion, Just the Facts
Jay Sekulow
Barry, even as another health care plan is being introduced into Congress, there’s a continuing – and a very real – concern about the issue of abortion. Senators Michael Enzi of Wyoming and Charles Grassley of Iowa have expressed their concern to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus who is offering his own health care…
More Thoughts On the Abortion Diversion
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
On Thursday, I blogged defending the position that the current version of the health care reform bill moving through the House does not cover abortion. I’ve tried to respond to some of the posted responses already. I’d also like to point out an interesting perspective on the issue brought up by Steve Waldman, our editor-in-chief at Beliefnet. In…
Health Care Speech and the Truth About Abortion Coverage
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
I don’t know which polls you are looking at, but it appears that there was a double digit growth in support of the President’s basic approach after he spoke to the joint session of Congress. He also told the truth about what the healthcare plan–at least as it is moving through the House of Representatives–doesn’t…
President Obama Misses Critical Opportunity on Health Care
Jay Sekulow
Barry, unfortunately President Obama squandered a prime-time audience and a Congressional address to do very little to move the ball forward regarding efforts to reform our health care system. President Obama is losing support with the American people on this issue. And, after his address I can see why. In fact, I would…
Protecting Conscience Rights of Pro-Life Pharmacists
Jay Sekulow
Barry, there’s been an important development in the long-standing legal battle to protect the rights of pro-life pharmacists in Illinois. The circuit court sitting in Springfield, Ill. has issued a preliminary injunction in the case of two pharmacy owners, Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog. Both men have been fighting to protect their conscience…
Miss California: Look Pretty, Don’t Preach–Anything Wrong With That?
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
I should begin by noting that I hate beauty pageants. Judging women, in whole or in large part, by appearances is a sexist and anachronistic affront to an entire gender. I must admit, however, that the latest wrinkle in the Carrie Prejean, former Miss California USA, controversy has grabbed my attention. Prejean, who was a…
Post-Kennedy, What Next?
Jay Sekulow
It did not take long for the media and politicos to start speculating about what the death of Senator Kennedy will mean to the current debate on health care and other vital issues. Just hours after his death, a call from some to turn Obama-care into Kennedy-care. Some are vowing to “win one for…
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