Lynn v. Sekulow

In spite of your best efforts, Jay, the United States Senate soundly rejected the argument that the stimulus package contained some terrible provision which would interfere with religious student groups meeting in buildings that might be funded by a few tax dollars.  As Media Matters pointed out so well, the effort spearheaded by Senator Jim DeMint…

Barry, there’s another troubling development in the education world – this one is not about stimulus funds for higher education facilities – this centers on high school curriculum and focuses directly on what’s being taught in many Christian high schools across the country.   We just filed an amicus brief in Association of Christian Schools International…

Barry, as debate unfolds on the economic stimulus package on Capitol Hill, we’ve already seen some of the ‘spending’ priorities of this new Administration and Congress.   President Obama wasted no time in issuing an Executive Order clearing the way for using federal taxpayer funds abroad for abortion.  And, many members of Congress support the push…

As you pointed out, Jay, earlier this week the Democrats handed Rush Limbaugh a major victory: they made him relevant again.  Of course, President Obama’s comment to the Republicans about not “listening” to Limbaugh was supposed to be ironic, as in, this is the wing of your party that is really out to lunch.  The DCCC…

With each passing day comes more concern about conservative talk radio.  Now, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition targeting Rush Limbaugh.  That comes just days after President Obama told Republican lawmakers that “they can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.” 

I knew you would not be happy, Jay, that President Obama did what he had always said he would do–remove the restriction against even discussing abortion by groups which are engaged in international family planning and receive any tax dollars.  The rule imposed by the Bush Administration was so broad that it prohibited such counseling…

Barry, it’s clear that this President is working quickly to overturn many of the policies of his predecessor.  But, what is most troubling in the flurry of Executive Orders issued by President Obama in the hours of his new presidency, is the repeal of what’s become known as the “Mexico City Policy.” This Executive Order ending…

I’m sorry, Jay, but I can’t say “amen” to your characterization of Rick Warren’s participation in the inaugural ceremony.  Although once you pass the threshold of having two Protestant ministers, it is not unexpected that one or both (in this case, only one since the Rev. Joseph Lowery did not) is going to pray in…

After much speculation, Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback Church, delivered the invocation at the inaugural ceremony – a prayer that was heartfelt and true to his faith tradition.   Warren offered an inclusive prayer for a nation comprised of many faiths.  “Help us, oh God, to remember that we are Americans, united not by…

I’m not as excited as some of you may be about all the inaugural activities.  Maybe it is because of that tad bit of “realistic cynicism” that hits us here in Washington after a while.  Having said that, yesterday’s concert at the Lincoln Memorial was an overall delight (poor Marisa Tomei having to quote from…

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